This page provides information about how the users’personal data are handled and processed within this website. The statements in this page are compliant with art. 13 of the D. Lgs. n. 196/2003 – Code on personal data protection and with dell’art. 13 Reg. UE 679/2016 (General Data Protection Regulation) and are meant for those visiting the website
This statements are valid only for this website and not for any other website the user may access through links from this site. The statements are also in line with Recommendation no. 2/2001 adopted on 17th May 2001 by the European authorities for the protection of personal data − joined under the Group established by art. 29 of directive no. 95/46/EC − to set the minimum requirements for the on-line collection of personal data with particular reference to the methods, timing, and nature of the information data controllers are to provide users with when they access web pages, irrespectively of the purpose of such access.
1. Data controller
The controller for the Belgian users personal data collected through the website “” (hereafter referred to as “the site”) is:
VAT BE 0700449 668
Registered office: ZWIJNAARDSESTEENWEG 511 – 9000 GHENT – BELGIUM
E-mail: (hereafter, “JYB Europe”)
2. Types of data processed
JYB Europe only collects data voluntarily supplied by the user along with navigation data.
The consultation of the website “public”areas (those that can be freely accessed by any user) do not require the user to provide any personal information.
The access to the website restricted area (that is, the one that can only be accessed by registering to the website or any other contact with JYB Europe on the user’s side (e.g. by sending electronic or postal messages to the addresses found on the site) will require the user to provide his/her personal data, which will be handled according to the current regulations.
Some personal data such as:
- name;
- surname;
- email address;
- registration data (e.g. email and password); may be collected among the data voluntarily provided by the user.
The following navigation data may be collected:
- IP addresses;
- URI – Uniform Resource Identifier – addresses of the requested resource;
- time and method used to submit the request to the server;
- numerical code showing the status of the response provided by the server (successful, error, etc.); etc.
The transmission of navigation data pertaining the operative system and the user’s informatic environment is implicit to the use of Internet communication protocols. Although such information is not collected to be associated to identified interested parties, they could –for their own nature– permit to identify users through processing and association with data held by third parties.
3. Purpose of data processing
JYB-Europe handles the personal data provided by the user on the Website in accordance with the use of the Website itself. More specifically, personal data might be used for the following purposes:
to provide the services and features of the Website (i.e., for example, name and surname, e-mail address, password for log-in, etc.);
JYB Europe collects and handles the users personal data in order to provide them with all the Website features, such as those that allow to communicate through the Website or to choose the “Remember” option, in order not to type the log-in information at every access.
JYB Europe uses a third party instrument (Google Analytics) for statistical and marketing purposes only. However, anonymized data handling is assured. Such data are used only to monitor the Website functioning and to collect statistical information which are not associated to any identifying information concerning the user’s use of the Website. Moreover, data are deleted immediately after having been processed. Data might be used to ascertain the responsibility in case of hypothetical computer processing crimes to the detriment of the Site.
JYB Europe is not going to use the data handled for purposes other than those above mentioned and to which the user had agreed upon. Should the data be used for other purposes or to provide a specific service required by the user, a new, specific note will be drafted.
JYB Europe is not going to share, sell, or rent personal data with unaffiliated third parties. The user is the only owner of his/her data and can require their modification or cancellation at any time: please see the section “rights of the interested party”.
4. Personal data storage
JYB Europe will store the user’s data in accordance with the provisions of the law in force. The collected data will only be used for the above-mentioned purpose and will not be retained for more than 2 years.
5. Security and personal data transfer
Appropriate technical security measures are taken to ensure the safe transfer, storage and processing of the data collected through the Site. The user’s information is protected by a password he/she has chosen him/herself. Passwords are not unencrypted, rather, they are technologically protected. Moreover, the Site is supplied using an HTTPS encoded connection. Users’ data are collected and stored on a secure database, protected by firewalls .
6. Transfer of data to third parties
JYB Europe does not transfer users’ data to third parties. Users’ data will not be transferred to countries outside the European Union. Data will be only disclosed to competent authorities should JYB Europe be compelled to do so by law.
7. (Interested) user rights
Our users may, at any moment, exercise the following rights:
- be confirmed about the existence of his/her personal data and request access to their content;
- request a copy of the handled data, update, modify and/or correct his/her personal data;
- request the erasure of his/her personal data;
For any further information concerning the privacy policy you can contact JYB Europe at:
Phone: +39 331 819 95 25
or send an e-mail to the address:
8. Cookie
For any information regarding the use of cookies, the user is invited to read JYB Europe’s Cookie Policy.
9. Contacts
Users are invited to send an e-mail to should they need any further clarification or information regarding the contents of this page